Lorien Nesbitt
Assistant Professor University of British Columbia
Department of Forest Resources Management
https://forestry.ubc.ca/faculty-profile/lorien-nesbitt/Interests and Expertise
I seek to create more liveable and equitable urban environments. During my career, I have had the privilege to work with communities and organizations across Canada and internationally to achieve sustainability and environmental justice goals. My research focuses on urban forestry and social-ecological interactions in urban environments, with an emphasis on environmental justice, human health, well-being, and climate change. In the realm of environmental justice, my current research is particularly concerned with understanding the nature and dynamics of green gentrification, i.e., the physical or psychological displacement of residents due to local greening activities.
Current Urban-Forest Projects and Initiatives
- Green gentrification and equitable urban forest governance in Metro Vancouver
- Will smarter forests take us farther? Fostering resilience forest ecosystems in the digital era
- Advancing a 5G framework for natural asset management
- Urban greening vs. urban densification: Evaluating future what-if scenarios for effects on heat island, shading and cooling of neighbourhoods
- Good Decisions, Diverse Voices: Developing Tools for Equitable Decision Making