UFOR summer school 2021 – Monday Student presentations
Publié le 23 August 2021These are the student presentations showcasing their field visits in the morning of Monday August 23rd. The main theme during this first day of the field school was Perspectives on Canopy Cover: Conceptions and Characterizations. Here are the order of the student presentations in this video:
1- Montreal Students present their visit of small park in Montreal and the Habitat company (Start to 18:00)
2- UBC students present their visit in Vancouver and small city in Germany (Bad Nauheim) (18:00 to 49:00)
3- Toronto students present their visit of the University of Toronto campus (49:00 to 1:10:00)
4- Dalhousie Student present their visit of public gardens and residential street of Halifax (1:10:00 to end)